Introduction:It is obvious that Pakistan’s relation with its archrival India has remained a bit stormy andcomplicated. However, the pendulum swings both ways as time flies by, but several unsolvedissues keep lingering in the atmosphere making atmosphere feel heavy sometimes since thepartition in 1947. The bloodshed of the independence has been substituted by several diverse kindof…

Role Of Media And Provincialism In Pakistan.

Provincialism: A severe curse to Pakistan’s unity. “Media, may it be the print or its electronic counterpart, is the fourth pillar of state and in this capacity, it is playing a significant role in today’s Pakistan. It has, time and again, proved to be pivotal to the development of the country. The multifaceted nature of…


Introduction The word ethnicity is derived from the Greek word ‘Ethnos’ which means people who have some distinctive culture. A group of people identify themselves in term of their social, cultural, language, religion, or national experience. Ethnicity can also be reflected through common tradition, cloths, music, arts, etc. For example, visiting a tribal area in…

Significance Of Women In Islam (Essay)

Significance of Women in Islam Regardless of confusions, the situation with women in Islam is that of a cherished equivalent. During a profoundly misogynist chronicled setting, the Prophet (saw) lectured intensely on the significance of women, praising their interesting commitments to family and society, censuring the evil therapy of women and lobbying for their rights. …

Describe the sights, sounds and activities at the end of a busy day at school. (Remember that you are describing the people and atmosphere and not just what everyone is doing.)

“Yes!” I shouted in my head. “Time to pack up!”. I straightened my stiff back and neck, the result of hours of hunching over documents and surveyed the whole noise-polluted room. Mamoon was yelling at Ahmed for throwing a paper plane at him; Ayesha and Faria were chatting animatedly, undoubtedly about clothes or make-up; Sarim…

Your school has built a new sports center. A former pupil of your school, now a famous sports star, has been invited to open the new center. Your Principal has asked you to make a speech at the official opening to welcome the sports star and introduce the center to teachers and pupils.

Your school has built a new sports center. A former pupil of your school, now a famous sports star, has been invited to open the new center. Your Principal has asked you to make a speech at the official opening to welcome the sports star and introduce the center to teachers and pupils.  Write your…

O-level Islamiat (2058): Battle Of Yamama & Its Impact

Battle Of Yamama The Battle of Yamama was fought in December 632 as part as the Ridda Wars (“Apostate Wars”) on the plain of Aqraba in the region of Al-Yamama (in present-day Saudi Arabia) between the forces of Muslim Caliph Abu Bakr Al Siddiq R.A and Musaylimah Kazab, a self-proclaimed prophet. After prophet Muhammad SAW,…

O-level Islamiat (2058). The Battle Of Mu’tah

(D) The Battle of Mu’tah (September, 629 AD):   In the year 7 A.H. the Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent letters to the kings and leaders around Arabia inviting them to embrace Islam. Among those who carried these letters was Hazrat Haris bin Umair who was deputed to go to the king of Bursa Ash-Sham. When…

You recently enjoyed a performance given by your favorite singer or group. A newspaper published an article saying that the concert was very poor for several reasons. You decide to write a letter to the Editor of the newspaper to disagree with this view and to explain how much you enjoyed the performance.

You recently enjoyed a performance given by your favorite singer or group. A newspaper published an article saying that the concert was very poor for several reasons. You decide to write a letter to the Editor of the newspaper to disagree with this view and to explain how much you enjoyed the performance.  Write your…

The manager of a large hotel wants to employ full-time members of staff such as receptionists or chefs. The manager wishes to hire and train students who are about to leave school. You decide to write a letter to the manager to apply for one of the jobs.

The manager of a large hotel wants to employ full-time members of staff such as receptionists or chefs. The manager wishes to hire and train students who are about to leave school. You decide to write a letter to the manager to apply for one of the jobs. Write your letter. You must include the…

Write an essay on – I went for a ride on my magic bike!

I was panic-stricken, knowing that all of that happened because of my carelessness. The promise I broke could lead to someone’s death and it was enough to let me know that what my actions could lead to. I pondered all over the place, realized that everyone I knew kept his fingers crossed. The doctors were…