Buy a new home now in Italy for just Rs. 186

Living in Europe is a fantasy for some. You can satisfy your fantasy by living in a remote town in Italy by buying a house that costs not as much as Rs. 200. Shocked? Try not to be, on the grounds that is anything but a trick and you can purchase a home in Cinquefrondi,…

This Animal Is Suspected To Spread Corona Virus And Instill Fear…

Chinese scientists have found Pangolin to be a potential intermediate host for the transmission of Coronavirus from bats to humans. South China Agricultural University researchers believe that there could be an intermediate host for Coronavirus after testing over 1,000 samples of wild animals. The Coronavirus patients exhibit 99% identical genome sequence as on the viruses…

Chinese People Taking No Chances In Virus Outbreak

As coronavirus headlines most of the day, countries and individuals all over the world are taking no chances to protect themselves from this deadly disease. About 170+ are confirmed dead and about 9000 to be confirmed cases from whole world. Although people in China have taken some measures that have been viral and surfacing on…

Here Is What You Need To Know About Samsung S-20 Not S-11 This Time…

The Galaxy S20 (previously Galaxy S11) has leaked and leaked and leaked. This article is a roundup of everything we know so far. There’s much to love, but a couple of changes fans will hate. That said, my overriding opinion is Samsung has a potential game-changer on its hands. These are the reasons why. Tip:…

Coronavirus; This Is What You Need To Know…

A new respiratory virus first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan has infected hundreds of Chinese citizens and claimed a number of lives. The fast-spreading infection, which causes pneumonia-like symptoms, has prompted Chinese authorities to quarantine several major cities and cancel some Lunar New Year events. Here are six maps and graphics that will…

PM Imran Khan To Address A Big Crowd At Muzaffarabad… Join To Save Kashmir!!!

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is in Muzaffarabad for the second time since the abrogation of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir by the Narendra Modi government last month. Imran Khan is holding a “big jalsa” at Khurshid Hasan Khurshid football stadium today in Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. In his previous Muzaffarabad…

Oh WoW…..Nigerian Scientist Develops Cancer Cure from Rare African Plants

All types of cancer are considered deadly diseases which are still incurable despite decades of research and billions of dollars in investments. Now, a Nigerian scientist, Mansurah Abdulazeez, has carried out visionary research which focuses on identifying anti-cancer agents in Nigerian plants which can help in the fight against cancer. Mansurah, who is a molecular…