It is obvious that Pakistan’s relation with its archrival India has remained a bit stormy and
complicated. However, the pendulum swings both ways as time flies by, but several unsolved
issues keep lingering in the atmosphere making atmosphere feel heavy sometimes since the
partition in 1947. The bloodshed of the independence has been substituted by several diverse kind
of bamboozling matters. One classic example of a territorial dispute is of Kashmir, which has
sometimes led to a bloodshed, violent protests which trigger the situation causing a tense period
of relation between the neighboring countries. Lengthened unfriendly intervals, have only been
intermittently separated either for some time or due to some agreement. But the conflicts which
have now spread their roots too deep under the ground are turning up to be the issue that might
remain unresolved forever. The corridor of friendship is now narrowing down to something
disastrous. Can they overcome their historic rivalry and eliminate the possibility of a nuclear war?

Success Regarding Kashmir Issue:
There were many good phases that were eyed by both sides over Kashmir. Many peace treaties
and efforts were made to make the situation better and let peace to prevail between the two nations over this ever-lasting issue. Here are some of the endeavors that both countries worked on.
Ceasefire arranged by UNO:
War broke out between India and Pakistan in 1942 when India entered is troops into Kashmir India
took this issue to UN Security Council A cease-fire arranged in Jan 1948, leaving Kashmir divided
between India and Pakistan in 1949, officially cease-fire was agreed b/w Pakistan and India and
was to be patrolled by UN troops. A success because Pakistan kept up pressure on India by
appealing to them in whenever Indian moves tried to integrate Indian occupied Kashmir into India.
Besides this, United Nation affirmed that Kashmir was a contested domain and that a last
arrangement ought to be settled by a United Nation managed plebiscite. India vowed to hold a
plebiscite in Kashmir to decide its future.
Tashkent Declaration:
The Tashkent Declaration was a nonaggression treaty between Pakistan and India endorsed on 10th January 1966 that settled the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. Harmony had been accomplished on 23 September by the mediation of the outer forces that pushed the two countries to stop fire, apprehensive the contention could raise and attract different forces. After 1965 war, USSR
arranged peace agreement b/w India and Pak at Tashkent India and Pakistan agreed to ceasefire
over Kashmir Both countries agreed to deal with their mutual conflicts peacefully and amicably.
A Success because this agreement increased the possibility of peaceful negotiations over Kashmir
instead of warfare as previously had happened.
Kashmir as a bilateral issue:
Simla Agreement between Pak and India in 1972 Pakistan (Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto) agreed to discuss
Kashmir issue as bilateral issue and in return, he got, 90000 Pakistani prisoners of War of 1971,
released in India. A success because both agreed to find Kashmir solution mutually and peacefully.
Despite Pakistan being on a weak position as its 90000 soldiers captured by Indian army, it did not
withdraw the claim of Kashmir part of it during this agreement. The US strategy has been that
Kashmir is a bilateral issue among India and Pakistan and it is dependent upon the two nations to
settle on the speed and extent of the discussions on the issue.
Lahore declaration:
An agreement signed between Prime Minister Atal Vajpayee and Nawaz Sharif in 1999 when India
Prime Minister came to Pakistan on bus via Wagah border This agreement contained dividing a
dream of harmony and dependability among nations, and of progress and success for their people
group. Government shall intensify their efforts to resolve all issues, including the issue of
Jamupand Kashmir. A Success because both countries showed compromise and gave
unimportance to peace over all outstanding issues like Kashmir. It was a sign that civilian
government of Pakistan wanted to resolve this issue without having any armed conflict with India.
The Lahore Declaration carried added duty to the two countries’ administration towards keeping
away from atomic race, just as both non-traditional and ordinary struggles. This occasion was
critical throughout the entire existence of Pakistan, and it gave the two nations a climate of shared
certainty. In a much-shrouded broadcast public interview in the two nations.

Failures Regarding Kashmir Issue:
However, this conflict of Kashmir remained unsolved between the two countries. Here are the
reasons or failures that reflect the ideas, how both the countries were unsuccessful in resolving the
issue of Kashmir.

Larger part of Kashmir Taken by India During 1948 War:
A war broke out between Pakistan and India in 1948 over Kashmir issue. To take their rights a
fight begun between the Indian leaders and people of Kashmir. All the retired military officers of
Kashmir took part in this movement started by the youngsters of Kashmir and promoted the
struggle. They freed some region. This region then was given the name of Azad-Kashmir. The
liberty movement was somehow fruitful but a failure for Pakistan was that a large part of Kashmir
was occupied by India. But soon the situation became uncontrolled, Security Committee in United
State was requested for help by government of India. UN arranged a ceasefire and demarcated line
of ceasefire along with appointing Un troops to monitor. It is considered as a fiasco because Pakistan was deprived of its actual right because ceasefire line gave larger territory of Kashmir to India and even Srinagar, the Capital of Kashmir went under Indian control. This was totally unacceptable and unfair for Pakistan.
No holding of Plebiscite in Kashmir:

UN declared Kashmir as a disputed territory. Two decrees were approved by security committee.
Ceasefire was recommended to both the countries with the determination that people will be given
the right through plebiscite to write the future of their state. So, to fulfil the desire of people, UN
asked India to hold plebiscite in Kashmir. As India promised to hold referendum, the freedom
group was stopped that struggle. Regrettably, the plebiscite was not held or better to say was not
allowed by powerful people following their only interests., Pakistan was deprived of justice
although it was a member Security Council. It is one the failure of resolving Kashmir issue.
Resultantly, the inequality which was done with Pakistan gave rise to never-ending war between
the two countries. Despite of introducing new promises by the Security committee nothing was
practiced practically.
Breaking out War of 1965 Between Pakistan and India:
Due to Kashmir related issues, small skirmishes of 1965 in Kashmir region converted into a fledge
war between Pakistan and India. It was a massive war that continued for weeks over the annexation of Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan claimed that due the Muslim majority in Jammu and Kashmir, it should be handed over to Pakistan. In this attempt, an intense fighting on international borders occurred between the two states when Pakistan army tried to dominate the state by power which intensified the antagonisms. This war is also known as Second Kashmir War. But unfortunately, the result of the war to occupy the state was unexpectedly unsuccessful this led to a deadlock. Hence, it was failure for both because a major war broke out on this issue which lasted for five weeks and caused thousands of casualties on both sides with no major breakthrough over Kashmir Issue.
Prevention of International intervention over Kashmir under Simia Agreement of 1972:
After 1971 war, Pakistani and Indian head of states e.g., Zulfiqar All Bhutto an Indra Gandhi, met
at Shimla to chalk out peace agreement between India and Pakistan. In this agreement, Pakistan
agreed not to take Kashmir issue at international level, and this will be discussed only between
India and Pakistan in future. Pakistan signed it only to ensure release of 90000 Pakistani prisoners
of war of 1971. A failure for Pakistan because Pakistan lost the support of international community
of intervening in the matter of Kashmir in case of Indian efforts seize it as previously Pakistan had
been availing help of UN in 1954 and 1955.
Kargil War, of 1999:
War broke out between India and Pakistan in 1999 in the Kargil District of Kashmir. India blamed
Pakistan to intrude militants and soldiers to cross line of control and to capture the heights of Kargil sector. It was again a failure for both, because the two nuclear states engaged in convectional war that could convert into a nuclear conflict if any side got weakened in conventional.
Solving The Indo-Pak Conundrum:
To avoid any unforeseen circumstance. Both the countries need to get on same page and work
mutually by joining their hand. So, there is a need accept a central policy and to eschew belligerent
defense principles to lessen the possibility of a nuclear war. Secondly, terrorism has now enrooted
deeply and is now the main reason which triggers the conflict and provokes the tension between
the two countries, so both governments need to convene on table and address this issue through
joint institutionalized process. Another, complex issue that prompts the possibility of conflict is
the water distribution which has lasted for now quite a time. It should be deciphered one the basis
of Indus water treaty. Moreover, trust developing measures should be taken to eradicate the trust
issues existing between the two states. Lastly, both countries should uplift the trade restriction and
trade with each other to build and eco-friendly environment that could last forever in the
surroundings. Relationship can only be improved if both countries show mutual consent and
develop an understanding which allows the flag of friendship to prevail in the air forever. It is not
impossible as both Pakistan and India almost share same culture language and ethnical
Critical Analysis – Kashmir Conflict (1947-1999):
As a gathering of Kashmir struggle Pakistan expresses that the state promotion to India was
achieved by misrepresentation and brutality. To rehash that Kashmir is a fundamental piece of
India is absolute jabber. Along these lines, it has been seen that the Pakistan government under
various common and military systems have plainly upheld insurrection in Kashmir as well as have
secretly been supporting them and bringing up the Kashmir issue in global greenery when the issue
of Kashmir has raised and turn into a question of conversation. Mohammad Ali Jinnah who is
viewed as the dad of Pakistan encouraged the Kashmiri Muslims to join with the sub-mainland coreligionists for making the Muslim Nation‟, a reality. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto straightforwardly
discussed destroying the obstruction between individuals of Jumma and Kashmir and their friends
and relatives in Azad and Pakistan. He had even once pushed the utilization of power to unfaltering
the battle between Indian colonialism and Kashmiri vote-based system. His little girl Benazir
Bhutto when became PM guaranteed 1,000 years of battle with India are regularly referred to
instances of Pakistan association in Kashmir struggle.
Both inside and outside factors have added to make the Kashmir issue immovable. The profound
established common antagonism among India and Pakistan is believed to be the central point for
the Kashmir struggle. The contention hypothesis contends that contention is happened between
parties for the most part based on the non-debatable objectives. The gatherings see with one
another as adversary as far as looking for their imperative advantages. At the point when their
practices become savage and forceful due to the current logical inconsistencies, struggle heightens
and appears as viciousness. In the event of Kashmir struggle, we can see that the contention has
begun on the contradictory objective, that is “ownership of Kashmir”. The gatherings look to
accomplish this objective. Consequently, there is not any space for bargain on the issue of Kashmir
in light of the fact that the issue is totally the issue of non-debatable objective.


The ordinary relations among India and Pakistan on Kashmir would carry advantages to the United
States. Indo-Pak strains are particularly risky on the grounds that they welcome two atomic states
about to start a major world conflict war. They redirect Pakistan from battling fear-based
oppressors and assailants on their own dirt’s. India and Pakistan need to participate in consolidated
reciprocal discussions on terrifically significant issues. Proceeding with strains over Kashmir will
debilitate any drive to carry strength to South Asia just as achieve the danger of an atomic conflict.
It will be very right by expecting that Kashmir is the main driver of a significant part of the hostility
in South Asia.
It is vital for global community to understand that harmony and dependability in South Asia must
be ensured if all extraordinary questions among Pakistan and India, including the Kashmir debate
ought to be settled since Pakistan has become a cutting-edge state against the Global War of illegal
intimidation. The best arrangement of the Kashmir debate could be simply the correct assurance
which ought to be provided to Kashmiris to give them the option to choose to whom they need to
agree. It is beautifully summed up by the saying of general Parvez Musharraf; “We must learn from
history there is no military solution for the Kashmir. We have to understand it’s reality.”1
F.Team. (n.d.). India-Pakistan Relations: How Can They Be Improved? Retrieved from Future Directions

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