Role Of Media And Provincialism In Pakistan.

Provincialism: A severe curse to Pakistan’s unity.

“Media, may it be the print or its electronic counterpart, is the fourth pillar of state and in this capacity, it is playing a significant role in today’s Pakistan. It has, time and again, proved to be pivotal to the development of the country. The multifaceted nature of media is determined by its involvement in almost every walk of life. It has a power to make things undergo transformation. Jim Morrison has rightly said, ‘Whoever controls the media, controls the mind. ‘The media is, nowadays, the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses! Let’s have a look at various aspects of influence of media in the following piece.” (Awan) Pakistan was built on the principle of unity, faith, and discipline. However, the seeds of provincialism were sown quite well ago. They have now prompted compulsive social and political uncertainty to linger in the country’s atmosphere. Provincialism has promoted insidious discrimination, racism, as well as ethnic disparity in our community. Believe it or not, we as a nation-state have severely plunged apart and crumbled in the stir of rising concept named as provincialism. Undoubtedly, attributable to the long-existing social, political, and semantic dissimilarity in the public arena, against state components keep on taking advantage of our weaknesses. They attempt each evil step to instigate viciousness and disagreement to destabilize the generally enraptured society. There is no denying the way that Pakistan has been facing various overwhelming difficulties on each front. In any case, the soaring provincialism has additionally confounded and strengthened the mayhem in the country. Founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah once said; “If we begin to think of ourselves as Punjabis, Sindhis, etc. first and Muslims and Pakistanis incidentally, then Pakistan is bound to disintegrate. Do not think that this is some abstruse proposition: our enemies are fully alive to its possibilities which I must warn you that they are already busy exploiting.”[1] Thus, this shows that provincialism is a concept which has now spread its root quite deep in Pakistan and Quaid e Azam also feared it, because this is from where the downfall of Pakistan was to begin.

From where did provincialism originate?

From the past 74 years, Pakistan has been administered under numerous constitutions and 3 different martial laws imposed by there different military leaders; Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan and General Pervez Musharraf, so it can be seen that since its creation, Pakistan has remained unstable and is a dupe to the instability. The instability prevails in the country and a classic living example; is the formation of Bangladesh in 1971. One foremost reason which is still triggering provincialism is the inequality. Pakistan consists of several nationalist movements asking for equality. However, Pakistan lacks justice and even knocking on the doors of courts will not work. Thus, this proves to be a demotivation for the groups in Pakistan.  In addition, on the off chance that we consider about the appropriation of financial riches, we will see that there is a biased monetary dispersion. The provinces are awaiting sovereignty for example: Baluchistan is requesting for eminence of gas in its territory and KPK wants to have the responsibility for and Warsak dam. In Pakistan, the funds are not allocated among the areas consequently the soul of provincialism is rising. Alongside this the ideological groups are abusing these issues; therefore, the soul of nationalism is extirpating. The ethnocentrism, semantic divisions are fanning the fire. The phonetic issue is among the argumentative issues in all parts of nation’s administration. Most of populace rebuff Urdu as the public language. Every year, due to the inequality of fund allotment Balochistan being the largest province and the province which supplies gas to whole country is deprived of gas. Thus, due to the inequality in the funds. Provincialism also triggered due to the difference existing in the cultural, language and other issues. Pakistan is on such high risk of disintegrating. It would be not wrong to say that some leaders in other provinces are displeased with the amount of share they get from the country’s earning. But their objections are not impossible to be met.

The fundamental complaint is that the Punjab is having a strong hold and an upper hand in the media and the central government, further they dominate business in the smaller regions, and they are located and have so many representations in the government. It might be an undeniable fact to reduce the representation in Pakistan as they hold up to 60% of the population present in the country.

Role of media & Provincialism.

Pakistani media is playing an admirable role in Pakistan. However, media in Pakistan is well renowned to be a profit driven media. The province which has more revenue is highlighted more thus giving a rise to the concept of provincialism. As for now, Punjab being the richest in the funds provide media with most funds leading to a strong image of Punjab to be built causing Punjabi’s to feel superior to other provinces. But if we eye Balochistan on the other hand it does not earn much through revenue, so media has no interest on investing in Balochistan which is now turning out to be a news desert.

Balochistan, the largely denied region of Pakistan is overlooked by central government, changed governmentally controlled associations and furthermore the standard public media of Pakistan. Media channels, public papers in Urdu and English disregard it like it is nothing more than a piece of Pakistan. Nowadays, being disregarded in traditional press is exasperating the situation of the territory.

There are many news diverts working in Pakistan and the number is developing with the progression of time. The same news channel is hyperactive as far as treating negligible issues which are tirelessly being introduced as breaking news. In any case, significant potential news coming out from Balochistan is not on the radar of Pakistani news channels. Balochistan is just given inclusion at whatever point a disaster happens as a bomb impact or target slaughtering. Other than communicating little news bundles, which can be named as fillers, Balochistan is totally passed out in public news media. In the relatively recent past, Baloch Students Organization shut down every one of the Pakistani new directs in Balochistan to record their dissent against Balochistan being overlooked in news media.

In other provinces except Balochistan, news broadcast channels have their workplaces, work force and DSNG vans in practically every one of the significant urban communities. This empowers them to cover all metropolitan communities in those three territories. On account of Balochistan, new channels alongside their staff and DSNG vans are just positioned in Quetta and have no presence in the remainder of the 31 locales of the region. Moving to the significant English newspapers, their approaches towards Balochistan are not unique. A few papers have just a single journalist in the region while do not have a solitary reporter for the biggest area of Pakistan. These realities represent themselves.

For what reason is Balochistan overlooked by the public media? The principal reason is that Balochistan is confronting a continuous dissenter revolt and security powers channel a lot of data going out from the region. Without a doubt, that is one reason which add to passing out of Balochistan in media. Anyway, the fundamental explanation for disregarding Balochistan is the business interests of the corporate media of Pakistan. Benefit driven corporate media of Pakistan does not acquire a lot of income from Balochistan and that is the reason.

Promotions are the essential wellspring of income for TV directs in Pakistan. Television evaluations decide the rates at which various stations would get commercials. Along these lines, whole electronic media is in a race for procuring higher evaluations. Appraisals are estimated by 1,100 rating meters which are introduced in nine significant urban areas of Pakistan. The threesome of Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad has more than 800 rating meters introduced in them. Lamentably, there is certifiably not a solitary rating meter introduced in Balochistan. In fact, it implies what channels individuals of Balochistan watch makes little difference to appraisals. Therefore, TV channels have no business interest in covering any issue about Balochistan because of the defective component of TV evaluations in Pakistan.  The media has an enormous task to carry out in the cutting-edge social orders and along these lines being overlooked has a few ramifications for individuals of Balochistan. The media regularly features social shameful acts that are distributed to individuals in Punjab or Sindh. At the point when news channels feature such issues, government specialists are constrained to make a move and give life to the people in question. Individuals of Balochistan are denied of this advantage as the social treacheries occurring on consistent schedule never make it to the TV channels.

Balochistan is confronting a great deal of issues because of the detachment of government, going from extended periods of power load shedding to less PIA flights, among others. These issues keep on being unsettled on the grounds that there is no media strain to constrain the national government to quit segregating Balochistan.

After 2002, Balochistan has been a fruitful land for government debasement. Progressive governments have derived their share out each time they came on the seat to govern Balochistan. It is amazing to uncover that not a solitary story of debasement from Balochistan has at any point been uncovered by the public media. Every one of the analytical writers of Pakistan imagine that Balochistan does not exist while picking reports to chip away at. Henceforth, legislators and administrators in Balochistan are filling their pockets with government assets with no dread of media revealing. Individuals of Balochistan are addressing the cost in light of the fact that the assets designated for them end up in the pockets of warped government authorities.

A media bunch proprietor, who visited Balochistan as of late, said that whatever inclusion we are giving to Balochistan is now a major blessing and do not expect much else structure us. Those self-serving and degenerate media supervisors, who do not pay their staff on schedule, need to act and treat every one of the pieces of the country on equivalent premise.

Media activism has been perhaps the most concerning issue for various common and governments in Pakistan. Rental Power Projects were retired when super defilement in those undertakings was accounted for by media. Additionally, governments in Punjab, Sindh and KP are compelled to improve their administration to keep away from media analysis. Luckily, the inept administration of Dr Malik Baloch or his archetype, the notorious Nawab Aslam Raisani, never dealt with such issues.

Indeed, it ought to be required on all standard news channels and papers to give adequate inclusion to all regions of Pakistan. A provision can be included the permit understanding of information channels to keep them from overlooking an area of Pakistan only for frivolous money related increases.

As far as social media and print media are concerned, it only highlights the news and the updates that take place around major cities of Pakistan which prove to be prompting factor of provincialism. Similarly, the parts of Sindh except; Karachi, Hyderabad and Sukkur are not provided with the media coverage as they lack the fund to provide media to cover the area and present them equally thus sparking the concept of provincialism. People in Punjab feel superior to others as they are represented with a huge media coverage whereas people of lower Sindh and other shabby area feel that they are not given their rights. Punjabi’s also have huge strength on social media due to their high amount of growing population. Thus, they raise voice for their province as they eye Punjab been given more priority. Even though other provinces demand equal share which is their right. But eyeing Punjab as an example they feel inferior leading them to a demand for their province rather than their country. Provincialism leads to disintegration of nation and Pakistan is heading towards it.

The corrupt media is now becoming a vulnerable source which might lead to disintegration as it has become a corrupt media. Which is giving news and supporting even the false truth on the amount of money they receive. This concept in media needs to be controlled and media needs to stay neutral. It is duty of government to regulate media. Media of the subcontinent adds fuel to fire. The news, that is aired or even not aired on international media is aired in Pakistan such a way that other provinces and people residing there take it as something so great happening on which they demand rights for their provinces as they want to eye their province with all facilities that other have been provided with.

Role of media in removal of provincialism.

Media has likewise been viewed as a reason and an impetus of Integration in the country. It went about as a speaker on the public and worldwide issues in Pakistan. It assumed a functioning part in get-together individuals of Pakistan on one stage, preparing the common society, battle for vote-based system and to abrogate the tyranny in the country. It had made mindfulness in the nation, to challenge the unlawful and undemocratic demonstrations of the overseeing elites in Pakistan. Media needed to pay a great deal because of these administrations; subsequently, it is very certain that media had assumed an essential part in achieving fortitude and public attachment in the country. Pakistani media has been considered as a useful asset in making public mix. Job of media in Pakistan has consistently been honorable in such manner. Solidarity in our nation doesn’t mean the sort of unity that comes from racial and social likeness. It is solidarity disregarding incredible contrasts, as such, solidarity in variety. A significant authentic occasion in which this solidarity was shown was the opportunity development when every one of the Indians joined contrary to the British standard. Media plays quite vital role in the history of Pakistan. In Pakistan, media is a wellspring of social modernization and a concurrent window to external world. It is assuming a critical part in featuring socio-social issues of the general population of the country. In addition, it is arising as a promoter of giving individuals their principal rights. By connecting holes dependent on social contrasts, it is prompting saddle and encourage public fortitude. Media has gained ground and has acquired prominence by expressing the public complaints and issues. It has a capacity to impact public by dispersing mindfulness particularly on political rights and obligations of the people. It resembles a guard dog for government just as non-government organizations. If media acts sensibly and the government of Pakistan makes some laws, then it can prove to be a source of nation integration.

Effects of provincialism.

Expansion to it, the provincialism has grievous impacts. In the event that we think back to the historical backdrop of Pakistan, we can eye that we are a genuine casualty of provincialism. In 1971, Pakistan lost East Pakistan which arose as new country known as Bangladesh. The country Bangladesh is the aftereffect of above issues referenced. The consistency of Pakistan enervating. The slaughtering, impacts, capturing, removals had arrived at its apex. There is a minatory circumstance in Pakistan, the lawfulness framework is being hard to execute. This issue is a foil to improvement and development of Pakistan in friendly and monetary methods. The improvement projects cannot be begun until there is security.

Moreover, it likewise has a negative impact on economy of Pakistan. Pakistan has begun on significant activities of public significance. Notwithstanding, the regions severe contrasts, have persuaded these primary undertakings to close down and place the eventual fate of country into danger. How could a nation thrive in instruction implies, raise the education rate if it’s monetarily unsteady? Expanding the scourge of psychological oppression will intuitively, wane the quantity of unfamiliar financial backers in Pakistan. Likewise, the areas are involving themselves over the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).


From the past few years, Pakistani media is operating in formation of heartbeat. With many ups and downs in its way.  media blasted in its progress at the start of 21st century and this booster has opened up many opportunities. In its short existence of only 8 years, the private electronic media has assumed a significant and compelling part in public legislative issues. The aspects in which media is impacting society is invincible. However, the negative side of media is playing a major role which can lead to an addition of dark chapter in the history of Pakistan once again like it did in 1971. We should remember, Quaid-e-Azam’s saying “Our duty to the State comes first; our duty to our province to our district, to our town and to our village and ourselves comes next.” [2]Thus, this quote directs us to promote nationalism rather than provincialism. It is responsibility of every individual to think for the betterment of country first and then the provinces.


Awan, D. S. (n.d.). Role Of Media in Pakistan. Retrieved from

Hussain, D. N. (n.d.). The Role of Media in Pakistan. Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 35 :4, Summer 2012. Retrieved from

[1] Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Radio Broadcast, Dacca, 28 March 1948

[2] Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Speech at Islamia College, Peshawar, 12 April 1948.

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